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Bad Breath

Having bad breath can be an uncomfortable situation for both yourself and those around you. Our Oral Health Therapists are here to support your health and bad breath concerns by offering practical and honest tips about reducing any unpleasant oral odours.

Don’t feel resigned to having bad breath, resort to avoiding public engagements, or trialling ineffective bad breath home remedies.

bad breath
No one should feel like they need to cover their mouth or overdose on breath mints in order to mask an avoidable odour.

What are the causes of bad breath?

There are many different causes of bad breath, including poor diet, incorrect oral hygiene technique and irregular dental check-ups. However, the solution can be different for everyone. For some patients, the presence of bad breath is still noticeable immediately after brushing and flossing, which can result from a build-up of bacteria on the teeth and gums. It may seem like a childhood basic, but lots of people rush the cleaning process.

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Steps to reduce or prevent bad breath

Brush twice a day

Brush for 2-3 minutes to remove any buildup of plaque and food particles, but don’t brush too hard or you’ll wear down the tooth enamel!

Scrape your tongue

Don’t forget your tongue! Gently brush with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper.

Floss daily

Remove any food particles trapped between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach. If you are concerned about the spacing or overlapping of your teeth, let our team know.

Drink water

Adults should be consuming at least 2 litres of water daily to avoid a dry mouth and wash away food particles and bacteria.

Quit smoking

Tobacco dries out the mouth, leaving an unpleasant lingering odour, what a great reason to quit!

Visit the dentist

Schedule regular check-ups at Littlehampton Dental.

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